• HasEnhancedLtalk flag tells if the enhanced LocalTalk port is present. ? • NeedsRESET flag tells … • HasJMC flag tells if the Jaws Memory Controller is present. • HasUniversalROM flag tells if the machine has the “universal” read only memory. • HasDAFB flag tells if the new video controller is present (DAFB = Direct Attach Frame Buffer). • HasSCSI962 flag tells if a 53C96 SCSI controller is present on the second SCSI bus (external if two are present). • HasSCSI961 flag tells if a 53C96 SCSI controller is present on the first SCSI bus (internal if two are present). • HasSonic flag tells if the Macintosh has an integrated Sonic Ethernet controller. • HasSoftPowerOff flag tells if the Macintosh can be powered off by software. • HasVISA flag (seen on Classic II) tells if built-in VISA Ram-Based Video is present. • HasMCU flag tells if the new [Orwell] memory controller is present (MCU = Memory Control Unit). • HasRPU flag tells if the Random Parity Unit is present. • HasPGC flag tells if a Parity Generation Chip is present. • HasVDAC flag tells if a Video Digital/Analogic Converter is present. • HasSoundBuffer flag tells if a sound buffer is present. • HasPWM flag tells if the Pulse Width Modulation system is present (it manages 400 Kb floppies speed variation). • HasIWM flag tells if a floppy disk controller is present (IWM = Integrated Wozniak Machine). • HasFMC flag tells if the machine has a Fitch Memory Controller. • HasSCCIOP flag tells if a dedicated controller manages serial communication input/output. • HasSWIMIOP flag tells if a dedicated controller manages floppy disk input/output. • HasSCSI flag tells if classical 53C80 SCSI controller (without direct memory access) is present. • HasSCSIDMA flag tells if Direct Memory Access 53C80 SCSI controller is present (as on the IIfx). • HasOSS flag tells if Operating System Services is present. Can replace VIA on some machines. • HasSCC flag tells if you may access the Zilog 8530 Serial Communication Controller directly. • HasASC flag tells if coprocessor sound chip is present (ASC = Apple Sound Chip). • HasRBV flag tells if video memory is RAM-based (RBV = RAM-Based Video). • HasVIA2 flag tells if VIA2 (Synertek 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter) is present. • HasVIA1 flag tells if VIA1 (Synertek 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter) is present.